~ Ideal Tribe Profile   ~

At My Core ...

  • I know that I am an extra-ordinary, out-of-the-box, heart-centered, multi-gifted, super-powerful, disruptive, Spiritual, entrepreneurial super-being ... who is incarnated as a role-model, reminder and catalyst for the expression of Human Greatness.
  • I have a burning desire for contributing practical solutions for the issues, problems and concerns that are limiting the development and unfoldment of Human Greatness. which includes ... Spiritual Mastery, Mental Mastery, Emotional Mastery, Health Mastery,  Relationship Mastery, Business Mastery and Financial Mastery.
  • I strongly identify with some of the great ancient archetypes such as ... Mystic, Master Teacher, Sage, Oracle, Seer, Prophet, Wise Council, Inventor, Change Angel, Morpheus, Merlin, Outcast, Disrupter, Activator etc.
  • My deepest desire is practicing, modeling and teaching the sacred  core values of the "Great Ones" i.e ... Honesty, Awareness, Precision, Responsiveness, Integrity, Courage, Generosity, Commitment, Loyalty, and Unity.

Currently In My Life ...

  • I am often playing many roles including ... Spouse, CEO, Visionary, Thought-Leader, Orchestrator, Minister, Healer, Influencer, Inventor, Innovator, Disrupter, Investor, Change Maker, Orchestrator, Activator, etc.
  • I am now ready for answering my "Life's Calling" ... which is demanding that I come out of hiding, upgrade my identity, activate my voice and ... start fulfilling my Life Purpose by sharing, modeling and teaching my wisdom and practices on the Global Stage.

I Am Now Done With ..

  • Being the student  ...
    Perpetually paying for, consuming, and being programed by other people's teachings. 
    It is now time for others paying me for consuming and experiencing the value of my Offerings and Teachings.
  • Being the Unknown Genius ...
    It is time for people to know who I am and the Value that I am contributing in the world ... I am ready and open for bigger opportunities for being seen and known in the world.
  • Playing small ...
    It is time for playing my Greatest role  ... So that I can shake up the world and leave a powerful legacy that impact the growth and development of the future generation of gifted Master Teachers like me .

My Next Level Of Greatness ...

I know in my heart that my next level of Greatness involves me activating and unleashing some aspects of people's Greatness ... so that they are also now:
  • Manifesting their highest Heart-Intentions with speed, fun, grace and ease.  
  • Creating the environments that are ushering in the new paradigms, new ideas and new dimensions of life for experiencing "Heaven Here On Earth". 
  • Elevating their levels of awareness and their capacity for contributing massive beneficial value in the world.
  • Creating lucrative opportunities from their perceptions of fear, problems, concerns, crises and other adversities.  
  • Performing magic and miracles in their lives and in the lives of others who they are influencing.

My ActivatioOpportunity

I know in my heart that: 
Now is my time for elevating the level of  "Value Contribution" through myself and others.
I am now open for experiencing a "Complimentary Activation Session"  with Master Nigel .
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